27 | 07 | 2024

Works for instrumental ensemble: For two instruments

Paso a dos (1968) 8´

(Two step)

2 pianos.

Premiere: Instituto Italiano, Madrid (Spain), 17.I.1968. Carles Santos and Tomás Marco, pianos (performed with the title Juegos Nocturnos, Night Games).

Recordings: RNE

Maya (1968-1969) 10´

Cello and piano.

Premiere: The Hague (Netherlands), 27.X.1970. Pedro Corostola, cello and Luis Rego, piano.

Dedicated to Pedro Corostola and Luis Rego.

Recordings: RNE-SRF. LP: RCA

Score: Moeck Verlag

Miriada (1969-1970) 10´


Guitar and percussion.

Premiere: Darmstadt (Germany), 30.III.1971. Siegfried Behrend, guitar, Siegfried Fink, percussion.

Dedicated to Siegfried Behrend and Siegfried Fink.

Recordings: RNE-BR-RB. LP: Edigsa

Score: Zimmermann

Jetztzeit (1971) 12´

(Present time)

Clarinet and piano.

Premiere: Radio Bremen Studio, Bremen (Germany), 1.XI.1971. Heinz Deinzer, clarinet, Werner Heider, piano.

Dedicated to Heinz Deinzer and Werner Heider.

Recordings: RNE-BR. LP: RCA. CD: Ecca

Score: Moeck

Hoquetus (1973) 6´


1, 2 or 3 clarinets.

Premiere: Casella Hall, Accademia Filarmonica Romana, Rome (Italy), 1.IV.1973. Jesús Villa Rojo, clarinet.

Dedicated to Jesús Villa Rojo.

Recordings: RNE. LP: EMEC. LP: Dial. CD: Ecca

Score: EMEC

Dúo concertante No. 1 (1974-1975) 10´

(Concertante duo No. 1)

2 guitars.

Premiere: University of Navarra, Pamplona (Spain), 14.IV.1975. Estela Pujadas and Jorge Labrouve, guitars.

Dedicated to the Pujadas-Labrouve Duo.

Recordings: RNE

Score: Alpuerto

Dúo concertante No. 2 (1976) 7´

(Concertante duo No. 2)

Violin and guitar.

Premiere: Carnegie Hall, New York (USA), 29.I.1977. Ruggiero Ricci, violin, Ernesto Bitetti, guitar.

Dedicated to Ruggiero Ricci and Ernesto Bitetti.

Recordings: RNE

Score: Salabert

Dúo Concertante No. 3 (1978) 6´

(Concertante duo No. 3)

Violin and piano.

Premiere: Ibiza (Spain), 7.II.1978. Adèle Auriol, violin, Bernard Fauchet, piano.

Dedicated to the Auriol-Fauchet Duo.

Recordings: RNE-SRF

Score: EMEC

Dúo concertante No. 4 (1980) 8´

(Concertante duo No. 4)

Viola and piano.

Premiere: Zaragoza (Spain), 14.X.1981. Emilio Mateu, viola, Luciano González Sarmiento, piano.

Dedicated to Emilio Mateu and Luciano González Sarmiento.

Recordings: RNE

Arias de aire (1986) 15´

(Arias of air)

Flute and piano.

Premiere: Albacete (Spain), 23.III.1987. Jorge Caryevschi, flute, Haakon Austbö, piano.

Dedicated to Jorge Caryevschi.

Recordings: RNE-NOS. LP: Mundimúsica

Score: Mundimúsica-Garijo

Kwaidan (1988) 7´

(Recited narrative)

Alto saxophone and piano.

Premiere: Tokyo (Japan), 14.VIII.1988. Manuel Miján, saxophone, Yukiko Endo, piano.

Dedicated to Manuel Miján.

Recordings: CD: RTVE

Score: Mundimúsica-Garijo

Luciérnaga furiosa (Dúo concertante No. 5) (1991) 10´

(Furious Firefly - Concertante duo No. 5)

Flute and guitar.

Premiere: Mexico City (Mexico), 18.V.1992. Marisa Canales, flute, Juan Carlos Laguna, guitar.

Commissioned by the Ibero-American Cooperation Institute for the V Centenary Commemoration.

Dedicated to Daniel Sanz.

Recordings: CD: Fundaciò Música Contemporània.

Fandangos, fados y tangos (1991) 15´

( Fandangos, fados and tangos)

Piano four hands or 2 pianos.

Premiere: Okayama (Japan), 2.X.1991. Humberto Quagliata and Daniel Stéfani, pianos.

Commissioned by Artistas Internacionales.

Dedicated to Daniel Stéfani.

Recordings: CD: Wergo

Score: Danbert

Anaconda (1991) 12´

2 percussionists.

Premiere: Barcelona (Spain), 18.V.1992. BCN Percussió Duo.

Dedicated to Xavier Joaquín.

Recordings: CD: Audiovisuales de Sarriá.

Aureola del alba (1992) 15´

(Sunrise aureola)

Clarinet and piano.

Premiere: Madrid (Spain), 7.XI.1992. Jesús Villa Rojo, clarinet, Gerardo López Laguna, piano.

Commissioned by the Community of Madrid for Seville Expo '92.

Dedicated to Adolfo Garcés.

Recordings: CD: Ecca

Academia Harmonica (1993) 12´

(Harmonic Academy)

2 violins.

Premiere: Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid (Spain), 7.XI.1993. Polina Kotliarskaia and Francisco Comesaña, violins.

Dedicated to the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts and Francisco Comesaña and Polina Kotliarskaia.

Recordings: RNE

Glasperlenspiel (1994) 10´

(Glass Pearl Play)

2 pianos.

Premiere: Mercat dels flors, Barcelona (Spain), 15.1X.1994. Begoña Uriarte and Karl-Hermann Mrongovius, pianos.

Dedicated to the Uriarte Mrongovius Duo.

Recordings: Catalunya Radio; Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian Radio), Munich (Germany). CD: Wergo.

Primer espejo de Falla (1995) 10´

(Falla´s First Mirror)

Cello and piano.

Premiere: Mexico City (Mexico), 22.III.1995. Carlos Prieto, cello and Edison Quintana, piano.

Dedicated to Carlos Prieto.

Recordings: RNE. CD: Urtext

Dúo concertante No. 6 (Musurgia universalis) (1995) 10´

(Concertante duo No. 6 - Musurgia universalis)

Violin and cello.

Premiere: Madrid Athenaeum (Spain), 26.XI.1995. Francisco Martín, violin, Belén Aguirre, cello.

Dedicated to Francisco Martín and Belén Aguirre.

Recordings: RNE

Florestas y Jardines (1997) 10´

(Glades and Gardens)

Bass clarinet and marimba.

Premiere: Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Arnhem (Netherlands), 7.IX.1997. Henri Bok, bass clarinet and Evert Lemair, percussion.

Dedicated to Nani Cisneros.

Pequeña serenata diurna (Eine Kleine Tagmusik) (1999) 8'

(Little day serenade)

2 Flutes.

Premiere: Aula Salinas, Salamanca (Spain), 22.XI.2000. Vicente Martínez and Vicente Martínez, flutes.

Dedicated to Liliana and Lothar Siemens.

Sonata para el Poniente (2000) 18´

(Sonata for sunset)

1. Antauro 2. Céfiro al orto 3. Tindaya 4. Brisa vesperal 5. Auranto

(1. Antauro 2. Zephyr on rising 3. Tindaya 4. Evening breeze 5. Auranto)

Flute and piano.

Premiere: Rachmaninov Hall, Moscow (Russia), 21.X.2000. María Antonia Rodríguez, flute, Aurora López, piano.

Dedicated to María Antonia Rodríguez and Aurora López.

Imprecación de Tindaya (2000) 4´

(Imprecation of Tindaya)

Flute and Guitar.

Premiere: Santander International Festival, Monasterio de Sueso (Spain), 25.VIII.2001. Angela Sonderman, flute, Wolfgang Weigel, guitar.

Dedicated to Carlos Cruz de Castro on his 60th birthday.

Recordings: RNE

Estudios intertextuales (2001) 18´

(Intertextual studies)

1. Gong 2. Tricotosa barroca 3. Flores de hielo 4. Slendro 5. Peces de plomo 6. Raganella sommersa

(1.Gong 2. Baroque knitting machine 3. Ice flowers 4. Slendro 5. Lead fish 6. Submerged ratchet)

2 pianos.

Dedicated to the Uriarte-Mrongovius Duo.

Premiere : Sevilla, 23.II.2011. Duo Atlantis

Iris (2002) 15´

Violin and piano.

Premiere: Coma Festival, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Madrid (Spain), 27.XI.2002. Nuria Bonet, violin, Elena Santos, piano.

Dedicated to Víctor Martín.

Recordings: RNE

75 compases de ch para 75 años de C. H. (2005) 3´

(75 bars of ch for 75 years of C. H.)

Violin and Cello.

Premiere: Villafranca del Bierzo, León (Spain), 3.IX.2005. Xavier Gil, violin, María del Carmen Coronado, cello.

Dedicated to Cristóbal Halffter on his 75th birthday.

Tapices y disparates (2005) 10´

(Tapestries and nonsenses)

Violin and guitar.

Dedicated to José María Gallardo and Anabel García del Castillo.

Version for violin and harp (2011)

Premiere: Matadepera, 21.VII.2011.Ala Voronkova, violin, Abigail Prat, harp.

La linea de Apeles (2009) 5´

(The line of Apeles)

Violin and viola.

Premiere: Madrid (Spain), 2.VI.2009. Manuel Guillén, violin, Rocío Gómez, viola.

Dedicated to Carlos Pérez Cancio on his 85th birthday.

Score: EMEC

Elegía Romana para Fernando Zóbel (2009) 10´

(Roman Elegy for Fernando Zóbel)

Flute and cello.

Premiere: Espacio Torner, Cuenca (Spain), 3.X.2009. Clara Andrada de la Calle, flute, Helena Andrada de la Calle, cello.

Dedicated to Fernando Zóbel on the 25th anniversary of his death.

Partita concertante (2010) 15´

1. Träumende Uhr 2. Gorjeos 3. Due note 4. De Profundis 5. Simile

(1. Dreaming watch 2. Bird warbles 3. Two notes 4. De Profundis 5. Simile)

Violin and viola.

Sibilas frente al espejo (2012-13) 18´

(Sybils in front of the mirror)

(Sonata para violochelo y piano)

(Sonate for violoncel and piano)

1.Consolación de la Quimera 2.Lágrima de Medusa 3.Vuelo de Pegaso

(1.Chimeras consolation 2.Medusa´s tear 3.Pegasus flight)

Premiere: Collado Mediano,21.VII.2013. Dúo Cassado (Damián Martínez and Marta Moll de Alba

Dedicated to Damián Martínez and Marta Moll de Alba

The rain in Spain...again (2015) 4´

violin and piano

Premiere: Sarriá 5.X.2015  Juan Luis Jordá,violin, Carles Puig,piano

Dedicated to Juan Luis Jordá

Recording: RNE

Como lluvia ligera (2016)

(As a light rain)

Four hands piano or 2 pianos

Dedicated to Sophia Hase and Eduardo Ponce

Premier: Colorado (USA) 26.VII.2016.Ediardo Ponce and Sphia Hase, piano.

Sonata para los sueños del viento (2018)

(Sonata for the wind´es dreams)

viola and piano

Dedicates to Isabel Villanueva

Para un ritual del olvido (2018)

(For a ritual of forget)

clarinet and guitar

Dedcated to Marcelo Fantoni