11 | 05 | 2024

Works for instrumental ensemble: For two instruments

Dúo concertante No. 2 (1976) 7´

(Concertante duo No. 2)

Violin and guitar.

Premiere: Carnegie Hall, New York (USA), 29.I.1977. Ruggiero Ricci, violin, Ernesto Bitetti, guitar.

Dedicated to Ruggiero Ricci and Ernesto Bitetti.

Recordings: RNE

Score: Salabert

Dúo Concertante No. 3 (1978) 6´

(Concertante duo No. 3)

Violin and piano.

Premiere: Ibiza (Spain), 7.II.1978. Adèle Auriol, violin, Bernard Fauchet, piano.

Dedicated to the Auriol-Fauchet Duo.

Recordings: RNE-SRF

Score: EMEC

Dúo concertante No. 4 (1980) 8´

(Concertante duo No. 4)

Viola and piano.

Premiere: Zaragoza (Spain), 14.X.1981. Emilio Mateu, viola, Luciano González Sarmiento, piano.

Dedicated to Emilio Mateu and Luciano González Sarmiento.

Recordings: RNE