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Works for instrumental ensemble: For four instruments

Resonantes fanfarrias del mar (Quartet with piano) (2003) 14´

(Resonant fanfares of the sea)

Violin, viola, cello and piano.

Premiere: Auditorio Nacional, Madrid (Spain), 16.VI.2004. Trio Mompou and Emilio Mateu, viola.

Dedicated to José Luis Ocejo on his 25th anniversary as director of FIS.

Cuarteto No. 5 (Memorial del olvido) (2007) 15´

(Quartet No. 5 - Memorial to Oblivion)

String quartet.

Premiere: Santander (Spain), 26.VII.2009. Cuarteto Albéniz.

Commissioned by the Albéniz Foundation.

Dedicated to Paloma O'Shea.

Siete Rubayats (2008) 10'

(Seven Rubayats)

Cello and flute, oboe, clarinet.

Premiere: Madrid (Spain), 21.XI.2008. (Adolfo Salazar Conservatory Lecturers).

Dedicated to the memory of Adolfo Salazar.

Recordings: RNE

Cuarteto n.6 (Gaia´s song) (2011) 15´

(Quartet n.6-Gaia´s song)

String Quartet

Premiere: Madrid (Spain) National Auditorium  14.I.2012  Arditti Strinbg Quartet

Comissioned by National Center of Musical Disemination

Dedicated to Alfonso Aijón in his 80 aniversary

Silabario de Babel (2012) 17´

(Babel´s Syllabary)

Flute,clarinet (bass clarinet) Alt Saxophon (tenor), piano

Premiere :Tres Cantos Festival (Spain) 14.X.2012.. Nuevo Ensemble de Segovia.Conductor: Flores Chaviano

Dedicated to Flores Chaviano and Nuevo Ensemble de Segovia.

Paraíso Danzante (2017) 10´

(Dancing Paradise)

Saxophons Quartet

Premiere: Castilla Theatre, Arévalo (Spain) 8.X.2017.Sax Ensemble

Dedicated to Sax Ensemble

Cuarteto n.7, Primus Circumdediste me (2018)

(Quartet n.7.Primus circumdediste me)

String quartet

Commissioned by the National Heritage from Spain for the Stradivarius Instruments of the Madrid´s Royal Palace

Premier: Madrid´s Royal Palace. 28.V.2019. Cuarteto Latinoamericano