13 | 03 | 2025

Orchestra with or without voices 2000-nowadays

Senderos de libertad (Cantata para la constitución) (2003) 25´

(Paths of Liberty - Cantata for the Constitution)

Texts: Tomás Marco, the 1812 and 1978 Spanish Constitutions, Bernardo López García, José Espronceda, Manuel José Quintana, Juan Bautista Arriaza, Nicasio Gallego and Friedrich Schiller.

Soprano, speaker and orchestra (3-3-3-3, 4-3-3-1- trumpet and 3 percussionists, string, off-stage trumpet and 2 percussionists).

Premiere: Teatro Real, Madrid (Spain), 6.XII.2003. María José Montiel mezzo-soprano, José Luis Gómez speaker, Madrid Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Jesús López Cobos.

Commissioned by the Teatro Real.

Recordings: TVE

Score: EMEC

Miserere de Aguilar (2003) 17´

Text from the Latin Miserere.

Mixed 4-voice chorus and orchestra (, timpani, 2 percussionists, strings).

Premiere: Aguilar de la Frontera Church, Córdoba (Spain), 4.III.2005. The Caja Sur Opera Chorus, Córdoba Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: José Luis Temes.

Commissioned by Hermandad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en su Santo Sepulcro, Aguilar de la Frontera.

Dedicated to that institution.

Sinfonietta No. 2 (Curvas del Guadiana) (2003-2004) 18´

(Sinfonietta No. 2. - The curves of the Guadiana) timpani, 2 percussionists, piano, strings.

Premiere: Cáceres (Spain), 11.VI.2004. Extremadura Orchestra. Conductor: Jesús Amigo.

Commisioned by the Extremadura Orchestra.

Dedicated to Jesús Amigo and the Extremadura Orchestra.

Recordings: RNE

Score: EMEC

Medianoche era por filo (2004) 7´

(Just midnight)

String Orchestra.

Premiere: Lluxent (Spain), 31.VII.2005. The Reina Sofia Chamber Orchestra. Conductor: Nicolás Chumachenko.

Dedicated to Humberto Orán on the 20 thanniversary of the Reina Sofia Chamber Orchestra.

Recordings: RTVE

Sinfonía No. 7 “Comoedia Milenni” (2000-2004) 40´

(Symphony No. 7 Comoedia Milenni)

1. Avernus 2. Limbus 3. Circuli Paradisi

Mixed Chorus and Orchestra 3-2-3-2, 4-3-3-1, timpani, 3 percussionists, piano, strings.

Premiere: Ljubljana (Slovenia), 17.XI.2005. Slovenia Philarmonic Chorus and Orchestra. Conductor: George Pehlivanian.

Dedicated to George Pehlivanian.

Recordings: RTV Slovenia

Score: EMEC

Del tiempo y la memoria (2006) 25´

(Of Time and Memory)

1. Lamento de Reyes 2. Fiesta 3. Arias y jotas

(1. Kings´s Lamentation 2. Feast 3. Arias and jotas)

Soprano solo, consort (harp, accordion, alto saxophone, timpani, 1 percussionists), orchestra (3-2-3-2, 4-3-3-1, timpani, 3 percussionists, strings without violins), 3 off-stage violins.

Premiere: Madrid (Spain), 1.XII.2006. Ofelia Sala soprano, Spanish National Orchestra. Conductor: Josep Pons.

Commisioned by the Spanish National Orchestra.

Recordings: RNE

Score: EMEC

Ojo de Horus (2008) 10´

(Horus’ Eye)

3-2-3-2, 3-2-3-1, timpani, 2 percussionists, strings.

Premiere: Madrid (Spain), 4.XII.2008. Philharmonia Orchestra. Conductor: Pascual Osa.

Commissioned by Siemens, Spain.

Dedicated to Pascual Osa.

Recordings: Siemens, Spain.

Score: EMEC

Sinfonía No. 8, Gaia´s Dance (2008) 21'

(Symphony No. 8 - Gaia´s Dance)

1. Gondwana 2. Laurasia 3. Pangea

2-2-2-2, 2-2-2-0, timpani, 3 percussionists, strings.

Premiere: Pamplona (Spain), 17.VI.2009. Navarra Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Ernest Martínez Izquierdo.

Commissioned by AEOS- Autor Foundation.

Dedicated to Ernest Martínez Izquierdo.

Score: EMEC

Sinfonía No. 9, Thalassa (2009) 23´

(Symphony No. 9 - Thalassa)

1. Nun 2. Okeanos

3-3-3-3, 4-3-3-1, harp, timpani, 3 percussionists, strings.

Premiere: La Coruña (Spain), 23.IV.2010, Galicia Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Víctor Pablo Pérez.

Commissioned by the Galicia Symphony Orchestra.

Dedicated to Víctor Pablo Pérez.

Score: EMEC

Tránsito del Señor de Orgaz (2010) 10´

(Death of the Lord of Orgaz)

String Orchestra.

Premiere: Quintanar de la Orden (Spain), 11.VII.2010. Castilla-La Mancha Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: José Ramón Monreal.

Commissioned by the Castilla-La Mancha Festival.

Score: Periferia


Mezquita Catedral (2012) 18´

(Mosque Cathedral)

2-2-2-2,4-2-3-0,timpani,2 Percussionists, Strings

Premiere: Cordoba, 20.VI.2012. Cordoba Orchestra.Conductor: Manuel Hernández Silva.

Commissioned by AEOS-Autor Foundation

Dedicated to Manuel Hernández Silva

Recording: RNE

Score: EMEC


Sinfonía nº 10...infinita (2012)  25´

(Symphony n.10...infinite)

1.Reverso de la marea 2. Mar y campo 3.Rincón de poetas 4.Cumbre y valle 5.Colores de la caverna.

(1.Tide´s back 2.Sea and country 3.Poets´s corner 4.Peak and valley 5.Cave´s colors)

3(G flute)-2(E.h.)-2(B.cl.)-2,4-2-3-0, harp, timpani,2 Percussionist, Strings.

Premiere: Santander, 14.VIII.2012. Bilbao´s Symphony Orchestra.Conductor: Giancarlo de Lorenzo.

Commissioned by Santander´s International Festival.


Score: EMEC


Codex Calixtinus (2013)  17´ 

Cantus Iacobi

3-3-3-3,4-3-3-0,Timpani,4 perc. Piano.Strings

Premiere: Madrid 20.XII.2013.  Spain National Orchestra.Conductor: Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos

Commissioned by the Spain National Orchestra

Dedicated to Rafael Frühbeck de Burgo sin his 80th aniversary

Recording: RNE

Score: EMEC


Sones de Fiesta

( Feast sounds)

(Concierto para orquesta / Concert for orchestra)

Premiere: Madrid 22 January 2015. Spanish RTV Symphonic Orchestra. Conductor: Carlos Kalmar

Commissioned by the Spanish RTV Symphony Orchestra for its 50th aniversary

Recording: RNE,TVE

Score: EMEC

Human Tides (2018)

1.Lost homeland

2.The endless way

3.Massive loleliness

4.Waiting for

5.Always hopeful

Commissioned by Ateneu Cultural de Manises

Premier: Ateneo Cultural de Manises.28.IX.2018. Quiteria Muñoz,mezzosopran, Orchestra from Ateneu Musical de Manises .Conductor:José Vicente Fuentes






Orchestra with or without voices 1981-1990

Espacio Sagrado (Concierto Coral No. 2) (1983) 29´

(Sacred space - Choral Concert No. 2)

Piano, mixed chorus and orchestra (2-2-2-2. 2-2-2-0, timpani, 2 percussionists, harp, strings).

Premiere: Fundaçao Gulbenkian Auditorium, Lisbon (Portugal), 10.V.1984. Humberto Quagliata, piano, chorus and orchestra of the Gulbenkian Foundation. Conductor: Luca Pfaff.

Dedicated to Humberto Quagliata.

Recordings: RNE-RAI-RDP. LP: Linterna Musica. CD Linterna Musica

Score: Salabert

Sinfonía No. 2, Espacio Cerrado (1985) 19´

(Symphony No. 2, Closed Space)

(2 (piccolo)-2(cor anglais)-2 (bass clarinets)-2 (double bassoons). 4-2-3-0), timpani, 3 percussionists, harp, strings.

Premiere: Ravenna (Italy), 5.XI.1985. Berlin Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Klaus Peter Flor.

Commissioned by Ravenna International Festival (Italy).

Dedicated to Menri and José María Cervera Collado.

Recordings: RNE-RAI. CD: Discobi

Score: EMEC

Sinfonía No. 3 (1985) 21´

(Symphony No. 3)

1(piccolo)-2-1-1.0-2-2-0, timpani, 2 percussionists, harp, piano, strings.

Premiere: Auditorium of Radio France, Paris (France), 5.IV.1986. Nouvelle Orchestre Philarmonique de Radio France. Conductor: Luca Pfaff.

Commissioned by Radio France.

Dedicated to María, Guile and José Luis García del Busto.

Recordings: SRF. CD: Discobi

Score: Salabert

Pulsar (1986) 22´

(2(2 piccolos)-2-2-2. 2-2-0-0), percussionist, strings.

Premiere: Palais des Sports, Metz (France), 22.I.1986. Orchestra of Netherlands Radio and Television. Conductor: David Porcelijn.

Commissioned by the Centre Européen pour la Recherche Musicale, Metz (France).

Dedicated to José Luis Temes.

Recordings: RNE-NOS-SRF. CD: Discobi

Score: EMEC

Sinfonía No. 4, Espacio Quebrado (1987) 29´

(Symphony No. 4, Broken Space)

1. Quasi star 2. Hiperborea 3. Almost a rock 4. Solaris

(4 (2 piccolos, flute in G)-3(cor anglais) –4 (E flat clarinet, bass clarinet) -4 (double bassoons), 5-4 (piccolo trumpet, trumpet b)-3-1, timpani, 4 percussionists, 2 harps , celeste, strings.

Premiere: Teatro Real, Madrid (Spain), 15.IV.1988. Spanish National Orchestra. Conductor: Jesús López Cobos.

Commissioned by Spanish National Orchestra.

Dedicated to Jesús López Cobos.

Recordings: RNE. CD: Col legno

Score: EMEC

Sinfonía No. 5, Modelos de Universo(1988-1989) 28´

(Symphony No. 5, Universe Models)

1. Achinech 2. Ferro 3. Avaria 4. Mxorata 5. Tyteroygatra 6. Amilgua 7. Tamarán

(3(2 piccolos)-3 (cor anglais)-3 (bass clarinet)-3 (double bassoons)-4-3-3-1, timpani, 3 percussionists, harp, celeste, strings.

Premiere: Pérez Galdós Theatre, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 24.I.1990. Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. Conductor: Jiri Behlolavec.

Commissioned by the Canarias International Festival of Music.

Dedicated: to the Canarian people and to my friends Guillermo García Alcalde, Lothar Siemens and Rafael Nebot.

Recordings: RNE. CD: Col legno

Score: EMEC

Campo de Estrellas (1989) 14´

(Star Field)

3 (flute in G)-3 (cor anglais)-4 (E flat clarinets, bass clarinet)-3 (double bassoons), 4-3-3-1, timpani, 3 percussionists, harp, strings.

Premiere: Auditorium of Galicia, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 20.X.1989. Spanish National Orchestra. Conductor: Odón Alonso.

Commissioned by the City of Santiago de Compostela for the inauguration of the Galicia Auditorium.

Recordings: RNE-Catalunya Radio

Score: EMEC

Espacio de Espejo (1989-1990) 12´

(Mirror Space)

(2-2-2-2.2-2-2-0), 3 percussionists, harp, piano, strings.

Premiere: Maison de la Radio Auditorium, Paris (France), 3.X.1990. Orchestre Philarmonique de Radio France. Conductor: Cristóbal Halffter.

Commissioned by Radio France.

Dedicated to Cristóbal Halffter on his 60 th birthday.

Recordings: RNE-SRF

Score: EMEC

Orchestra with or without voices 1991-2000

Ceremonia Barroca (1991) 35´

(Baroque Ceremony)

Parte I. Ars Moriendi (1. Hipogrifo violento 2. In ictu oculi 3. Soledades 4. Crepusculario de la mar océana 5. Fiestas sacramentales)

Parte II. La floresta del Sol-Jaguar (6. Chilam Balam 7. Los equinoccios y los solsticios 8. Canto al sol 9. La persistencia de la piedra 10. Inundación castálida)

(Part I. Ars Moriendi: 1. Violent hippogriff 2. In ictu oculi 3. Solitudes 4. Ocean sea twilight 5. Sacred Fiestas)

(Part II. Jaguar-Sun glade: 6. Chilam Balam 7. Equinoxes and solstices 8. Singing to the sun 9. The persistence of the stone 10. Castalida floods)

Texts: Calderón, Góngora, Tirso de Molina, Chilam Balam, Anonymous Inca and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.

8 mixed voices chorus and orchestra (2 oboes, 2 trumpets, harpsichord and strings).

Premiere: Madrid (Spain), 3.IV.1992. Chorus and Orchestra of the Community of Madrid. Conductor: Miguel Groba.

Commissioned by the Community of Madrid.

Dedicated to Miguel Groba.

Recordings: RNE. CD: RTVE

Sinfonía No. 6, “Imago Mundi” (1990-92) 30´

(Symphony No. 6, Imago Mundi)

4(2 piccolos), 4(cor anglais), 4 (E flat clarinet, bass clarinet), 4 (double bassoons)-4, 4 Wagner Tubas, 4 (bass trumpets) 4, 2-celestes, 2 timpani, 4 percussionists, strings.

Premiere: Auditorio Nacional, Madrid (Spain), 28.X.1992. Spanish National Youth Orchestra (JONDE). Conductor: Edmon Colomer.

Commissioned by the JONDE.

Dedicated to Edmon Colomer.

Recordings: Hyades-SGAE, RNE

Score: EMEC

América (1992, rev. 2000) 25´

Texts of Walt Whitman, Popol Vuh, Cristopher Columbus, Chilam Balam and from anonymous Aztec poems.

Soprano, baritone, Mixed Chorus and Orchestra (3-3-3 ( bass clarinet)-3 (double bassoons). 4-3-3-1, timpani, 4 percussionists, harp, strings).

Premiere: Maestranza Theater, Seville, 17.XI.2000. Pilar Jurado, Alfonso Echevarría, Cajasur Chorus, Royal Symphony Orchestra of Seville. Conductor: José Ramón Encinar.

Commissioned initially by the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra (USA), finally by the Sociedad Estatal para el Nuevo Milenio (Spain).

Dedicated to Maximilano Valdés.

Recordings: CD: Sociedad Estatal para el Nuevo Milenio

Score: EMEC

Bis, Encore, Zugabe, Propina (1993) 12´

(2-2-2-2,2-2-0), timpani, strings.

Premiere: Perelada (Spain), 10.VIII.1993. Cadaques Orchestra. Conductor: Philip Entremont.

Commissioned by the Castell de Perelada Festival.

Recordings: CD: RTVE Música

Score: Tritó

Exaltación de la memoria (90 a 90 para 90) (1994) 5´

(Exaltation of Memory - 90 to 90 for 90)

3 (piccolos), 3(cor anglais), 4 (E flat clarinets, bass clarinet), 3(double bassoons), 4-4-3-1, 2 timpani, 4 percussionists, 16-14-12-10-8.

Premiere: Auditorio Nacional, Madrid (Spain), 9.11.1994. Madrid Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: José Ramón Encinar.

Commissioned by the Madrid Synphony Orchestra for its 90 th anniversary.

Dedicated to the Madrid Symphony Orchestra.

Recordings: RNE, A&B Master Records

Score: EMEC

Morada del canto (1994) 12´

(Residence of song)

2-2-2-2, 2-2-0, timpani, strings.

Premiere: Sala Pleyel, Paris (France), 6.11.1994. Orchestre Symphonique Français. Conductor: Klaus Arp.

Commissioned by Orchestre Symphonique Français.

Recordings: CD: RTVE Música

Score: EMEC

Oculto Carmen (1995) 6´

(Hidden Garden)

(2-2-2-2,2,2,0), timpani, strings.

Premiere: Manuel de Falla Auditorium, Granada (Spain), 14.X.1995. Granada City Orchestra. Conductor: Josep Pons.

Commissioned by Granada City Orchestra for José García Román’s 50 th birthday.

Dedicated to José García Román.

Recordings: RNE. CD: Verso

Arbol de Arcángeles (1995) 8´

(The Archangel´s tree)

String orchestra.

Premiere: Auditorio Nacional, Madrid (Spain), 4.XI.1995. Granada City Orchestra. Conductor: Josep Pons.

Dedicated to José Luis Pérez de Arteaga.

Recordings: RNE, SWF. CD: Bis. CD: Phoenix

Score: EMEC

Miró Miroir (1995) 14´

(Miró Mirror)

(2-2-2-2.2-2-1), timpani, 2 percussionists, strings.

Premiere: Fondation Maeght de Saint Paul de Vance (France). Orchestre Régionale de Cannes, Provence Alpes Côte d´Azur. Conductor: Philippe Bender.

Commissioned by the Orchestre de Cannes.

Homage to Joan Miró on his centenary.

Score: EMEC

65 FDB 65 (1998) 4´

3 (piccolo)-3 ( cor anglais)-3 (bass clarinets)-3 (double bassoons), 4-2-2-1, timpani, 2 percussionists, strings.

Premiere: Berlin (Germany), 5.IX.1998. Radio Berlin Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos.

Dedicated to Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos on his 65 thbirthday.

Recordings: Radio Berlin, RNE

Score: EMEC

Sinfonietta No. 1 (Oscuro resplandor de la memoria) (1998-99) 20´

(Sinfonietta No. 1, The dark shining of memory)

2-2-2-2, 2-2-0, timpani, strings.

Premiere: Segovia (Spain), 17.VII.1999. Galicia Royal Philharmonia Orchestra. Conductor: José Ramón Encinar.

Dedicated to José Ramón Encinar.

Recordings: RNE. CD: Verso

Score: EMEC

Ritos de Paso (2000) 10´

(Rites of passage)

No text.

Mixed 8-voice chorus and orchestra, 3 (piccolos, flute in G), 2 ( cor anglais), 3 (E flat clarinet, bass clarinet), 2 (double bassoons)-4.3.-3.1, timpani, 2 percussionists, organ, strings.

Premiere: Madrid (Spain), 19.XII.2000. Chorus and Orchestra of the Community of Madrid. Conductor: José Ramón Encinar.

Dedicated to Miguel Groba.

Recordings: RNE

Score: EMEC

Puerta del Sol (2000) 10´

(Sun Gate)

No text.

Mixed 8-voice chorus and orchestra, 3 (piccolo, flute in G), 2 (cor anglais), 3 (E flat clarinet, bass clarinet), 2 (double bassoons)-, timpani, 2 percussionists, organ, strings.

Premiere: Madrid, 23.XII.2000. Spanish National Chorus and Orchestra. Conductor: Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos.

Commissioned by the Spanish National Chorus and Orchestra.

Dedicated to Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos.

Recordings: RNE

Score: EMEC

Orchestra with or without voices 1959-1980

Los Caprichos (1959-1967) 15´

(The caprices)

3(piccolos)-3(cor anglais)-4 (bass clarinets)-4 (double bassoons). 4-3-3-1 piano, strings.

Premiere: Ministerio de Información y Turismo Auditorium, Madrid (Spain), 23.III.1968. RTVE Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Enrique García Asensio.

Commissioned by Radiotelevisión Española.

Recordings: RNE

Anábasis (1968-1970) 19'

3-3-3-3.4-3-3-1, 4 percussionists, 2 harps, celeste, strings.

Premiere: Madrid, Teatro Real (Spain), 13.I.1971, RTVE Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Odón Alonso.

Dedicated to Enrique Franco.

Recordings: RNE-RAI

Score: Moeck Verlag

Mysteria (1970) 9´

2-2-2-2, 2 trumpet, timpani, percussionist, harp, celeste, strings.

Premiere: Hilversum (Netherlands), 16.IX.1972. Radio Kamer Orkest. Conductor: Roelof Kroll.

Dedicated to Federico Sopeña.

Gaudeamus Foundation Prize, 1971.

Recordings: NOS, SRF. LP: Hispavox. LP: MEC/Hispavox

Score: Salabert

Ángelus Novus (Mahleriana) (1971) 15´

3-3-3-, 1 timpani, 3 percussionists, harp, celeste, piano,strings.

Premiere: Teatro Real, Madrid (Spain), 15.X.1971. Spanish National Orchestra. Conductor: Rafael Frübeck de Burgos.

Commissioned by the Spanish National Orchestra.

Dedicated to Maurice Fleuret and Henri-Louis de Lagrange.

Recordings: RNE, WDR. CD: Hyades-SGAE

Score: Moeck Verlag

Escorial (1972-1973, rev: 1974) 18´

2-2(cor anglais), 4 (E flat clarinet, bass clarinet), 4 (double bassoons), 4 saxophones, 4-3-3-1, timpani, percussion, strings.

Premiere: Théatre de la Ville, Paris (France), 18.X.1974. Nouvelle Orchestre Philarmonique de Radio France. Conductor: Jean Claude Casadesus.

Commissioned by the Juan March Foundation.

Recordings: RNE, IBA, PRT, SRF, MR, SR

Score: Alpuerto

Sinfonía No. 1, Aralar (1976) 18´

(Symphony No. 1, Aralar)

(1-2(cor anglais)-3-2(double bassoon) 3-1-3-0), timpani, percussion, electric organ, strings.

Premiere: Radio France Auditorium, Paris (France), 14.IV.1977. Nouvelle Orchestre Philarmonique de Radio France. Conductor: Jorge Rotter.

Commissioned by Radio France.

Dedicated to José María Franco Gil.

Recordings: RNE-MR-SRC-SRF. CD: Discobi

Score: Alpuerto