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Orchestra with or without voices 2000-nowadays

Senderos de libertad (Cantata para la constitución) (2003) 25´

(Paths of Liberty - Cantata for the Constitution)

Texts: Tomás Marco, the 1812 and 1978 Spanish Constitutions, Bernardo López García, José Espronceda, Manuel José Quintana, Juan Bautista Arriaza, Nicasio Gallego and Friedrich Schiller.

Soprano, speaker and orchestra (3-3-3-3, 4-3-3-1- trumpet and 3 percussionists, string, off-stage trumpet and 2 percussionists).

Premiere: Teatro Real, Madrid (Spain), 6.XII.2003. María José Montiel mezzo-soprano, José Luis Gómez speaker, Madrid Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Jesús López Cobos.

Commissioned by the Teatro Real.

Recordings: TVE

Score: EMEC

Miserere de Aguilar (2003) 17´

Text from the Latin Miserere.

Mixed 4-voice chorus and orchestra (, timpani, 2 percussionists, strings).

Premiere: Aguilar de la Frontera Church, Córdoba (Spain), 4.III.2005. The Caja Sur Opera Chorus, Córdoba Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: José Luis Temes.

Commissioned by Hermandad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en su Santo Sepulcro, Aguilar de la Frontera.

Dedicated to that institution.