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Works for solo instruments: Piano

Piraña (1965) 10´


Premiere: German Institute, Madrid (Spain), 6.XII.1965. Juan Hidalgo, piano.

Dedicated to Juan Hidalgo.

Recordings: RNE

Fetiches (1967-1968) 6´


Premiere: Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (Netherlands), 31.III.1968. Pedro Espinosa, piano.

Dedicated to Pedro Espinosa.

Recordings: RNE-NOS-RAI-SRF. LP: Movieplay. CD: Discobi. CD: Verso

Score: EMEC

Evos (1970) 20´


Premiere: Radio Bremen (Germany), 1970. Alexandre Hrisanide, piano.

Dedicated to Alexandre Hrisanide.

Recordings: RNE-RB-SRF

Score: Alpuerto

Temporalia (1974) 14´

Premiere: Institut Français, Madrid (Spain), 18.IV.1975. Jean Pierre Dupuy, piano.

Dedicated to Jean Pierre Dupuy and Perfecto García Chornet.

Recordings: RNE-SRF-RAI. CD: Discobi

Score: Moeck Verlag

Sonata de Vesperia (1977) 14´

(Vesperia Sonata)

Premiere: London (U. K.), 13.III.1978. Rafael Orozco, piano.

Dedicated to Rafael Orozco.

Recordings: RNE-SRF-RAI-NOS. CD: Discobi

Score: EMEC

Campana Rajada (1980) 12´

(Cracked Bell)

Premiere: Paris (France), 27.II.1981. Jean Pierre Dupuy, piano.

Commissioned by the Association pour la Collaboration des Interprètes et Compositeurs (ACIC), Paris.

Dedicated to Humberto Quagliata.

Recordings: RNE-SRF-RAI. CD: Polimúsica. CD: Discobi

Score: Salabert

Soleá (1982) 8´

Premiere: Senior Music Conservatory, Seville (Spain), 20.I.1983. Perfecto García Chornet, piano.

Commissioned by the Directorate-General of Music and Theater in the Ministry of Culture for the Centenary of Joaquín Turina.

Dedicated to Pilar and Juan Antonio García Barquero.

Recordings: RNE-RAI-SRF. CD: Discobi. CD: Ecca. CD: Verso

Score: EMEC

Le Palais du Facteur Cheval (1984) 15´

(Postman Cheval´s Palace)

Premiere: Paris (France), 16.V.1984. Jean Pierre Dupuy, piano.

Commissioned by the Association pour la Collaboration des Interprètes et Compositeurs (ACIC), Paris.

Dedicated to Nicole Lachârtre.

Recordings: RAI-SRF. CD: Discobi

Score: Schott

Cuatro Cartas (1987) 14´

(Four letters)

1. Carta de Falla a Rubinstein 2. Carta sobre la Paz 3. Carta Triestina 4. Carta Americana

(1. Letter from Falla to Rubinstein 2. Letter about peace 3. Letter from Trieste 4. American Letter)


1. Aranjuez (Spain), 2.X.1987. Humberto Quagliata, piano.

2. Bilbao (Spain), 19.X.1987. Albert Nieto, piano.

3. Trieste (Italy), 8.VI.1987. Alexander Roj, piano.

4. Fine Arts Circle, Madrid (Spain), 16.V.1988. Jeffrey Jacob (first performance of the complete work), piano.

Dedicated: 1. to Paloma O´Shea. 2. to Albert Nieto. 3. to Chroma Association of Trieste. 4. to Jeffrey Jacob.

Recordings: RNE-RAI-SRF. LP: RCA. LP: Elkar (2). CD: Discobi

Score: BMG-Ariola

Hai Ku (1995) 2´


Premiere: CAM Auditorium, Alicante (Spain), 27.IX.1995. Ananda Sukarlan, piano.

Commissioned by Cecilia Colien Honegger.

Dedicated to Cecilia Colien Honegger.

Recordings: RNE

Score: Cecilia Colien Honegger

Farruca (1995) 6´

Premiere: Luxembourg Radio Television Auditorium (Luxembourg), 9.II.1996. Humberto Quagliata, piano.

Dedicated to Humberto Quagliata.

Recordings: RNE-RTL

Score: Danbert

Elogio de Vandelvira (1998) 8´

(Praise of Vandelvira)

Premiere: Auditorium of the Conservatory of Music, Jaén (Spain), April 1999. Participants in the 41st Jaén International Piano Competition.

Commissioned by the 41st Jaén International Piano Competition, 1999.

Dedicated to the memory of the architect André de Vandelvira  and to the people of Jaén.

Recordings: RNE. CD: Premio Jaén. CD: Verso

Score: Jaén Provincial Authority

Sonata Atlántica (1999) 18´

(Atlantic Sonata)

1. Va y Ven 2. Mar de los ecos 3. Oleaje de olvidos y memorias

(1.Go and come 2. Sea of Echoes 3. Waves of forgetfulness and memories)

Premiere: Teatro Principal, Burgos (Spain), 6.VII.2000. Leonel Morales, piano.

Dedicated to Leonel Morales.

Recordings: RNE. CD: Verso

Score: EMEC

BACHground (2001) 7´

Premiere: San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Madrid (Spain), 27.X.2001. Manuel Carra, piano.

Dedicated to Ramón González de Amezúa on his 80th birthday.

Recordings: RNE. CD: Verso

Score: EMEC

Jardín de Hespérides (2002) 6´

(Hesperides Garden)

Premiere: Guimerá Theater, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain), 28.I.2003. Manuel Escalante, piano.

Dedicated to Manuel Escalante.

Recordings: RNE. CD: Verso

Score: Periferia

Tres piezas minuto (2002) 5´

(Three minute pieces)

1. Hai Ku 2. Nana para el soñar de Beatriz 3. Por el camino que alguna parte conduce

(1. Hai Ku 2. Lullaby for Beatriz’s dreams 3. Along the way to somewhere)

Compilation of earlier short pieces.

Premiere: Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Madrid (Spain), 27.XI.2002. Manuel Escalante, piano.

Dedicated: 1. to Cecilia Colien Honegger. 2. to Beatriz Temes Molleda. 3. to Carlos Galán.

Recordings: CD: Verso

La soledad del unicornio (2004-2005) 7´

(The solitude of the Unicorn)

Premiere: Barcelona (Spain), 7.VI.2005. Diego Fernánez Magdaleno, piano.

Dedicated to Josep Soler on his 70th birthday.

Recordings: Catalunya Radio

Score: Periferia

GGA 65 gotas del océano de la amistad (2005) 4´

(CGA 65 drops in the Ocean of friendship)

Premiere: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 22.X.2005. Sergio Alonso, piano.

Dedicated to Guillermo García Alcalde on his 65th birthday.

Diferentes diferencias (2005) 6´

(Different Differences)

Premiere: Valladolid (Spain), 29.V.2006. Diego Fernández Magdaleno, piano.

Dedicated to Antonio Baciero on his 70th birthday.

Siluetas en el camino de Comala (2006) 7´

(Silhouettes on the way to Comala)

Premiere: University of Guanajuato (Mexico), 17.X.2006. Ana Cervantes, piano.

Dedicated to Ana Cervantes in memory of Juan Rulfo.

Commissioned by the Rumor del Páramo Project.

Recordings: CD: Quindecim

Giardini Scarlattiani (Sonata de Madrid) (2006) 7´

(Scarlattian Gardens - Madrid Sonata)

1. Prado de San Isidro 2. Prado Viejo 3. Buen Retiro

(1. Saint Isidore's meadow 2. Old meadow 3. Buen Retiro)

Premiere: Madrid (Spain), 26.IX.2007. Brenno Ambrosini, piano.

To Brenno Ambrosini on the 250th anniversary of Domenico Scarlatti’s death.

Recordings: RNE

Quodlibet (2007) 5´

Commissioned by the Guerrero Foundation.

Premiere: Madrid (Spain), 20.XI.2008. Xiaofeng Wu, piano.

Recordings: Guerrero Foundation

Score: Guerrero Foundation

Paso a nivel (2008) 5´

(Level Crossing)

Premiere: Barcelona (Spain), 9.VI.2008. Diego Fernández Magdaleno, piano.

Dedicated to Ramón Barce on his 80th birthday.

AGGA (2008) 5´

Premiere: Madrid (Spain), 18.II.2009. Diego Fernández Magdaleno, piano.

Dedicated to Agustín González Acilu on his 80th birthday.

Tocata en moto perpetuo (2009) 8´

(Perpetual motion toccata)

Dedicated to Marisa Blanes.

Premiere: Valencia University,Valencia (Spain),15.V.2014.Marisa Blanes,piano

Contorno de Planto (2009) 5´

(Contour of Planto)

Premiere: National Auditorium, Madrid (Spain), 14.XII.2009. Diego Fernández Magdaleno, piano.

Dedicated to Ramón Barce on the first anniversary of his death.

Nymphalidae (2010) 6´

(Nymphalidae - Three women for the Monarch´s Butterfly)

1. Malinche´s Butterfly 2. Sor Juana´s Butterfly 3. Adelita´s Butterfly

Premiere: Festival Cervantino, Guanajuato University (Mexico), 19.X.2010. Ana Cervantes, piano.

Dedicated to Ana Cervantes.

Tangbanera (2010) 7´

Premiere: Santander, 2.VII.2011.Marisa Blanes piano

Dedicated to Marisa Blanes and Luciano González Sarmiento.

Stella Splendens (2011)

Premiere: Paris, 21.II.2012.Diego Fernández Magdaleno,piano.

Dedicated to the Musica Abierta Foundation in the 75th anniversary of Jordi Savall.

La copla de Luciano (2011) 4´

Premiere: Cenador de Amós (Cantabria), 24.III.2012.Marisa Balnes,piano.

Dedicated to Luciano González Sarmiento in his 75th anniversary.

Sonata en forma de cármenes  (2012) 15´

(Sonate in the form of grenadian gardens)

1.Deep carmen 2.Secreta carmen 3.Ardent carmen

Premiere: Santiago´s Hospital of Úbeda (Jaén)  1.VI.2012.Joaquín Achúcarro, piano

Dedicated to Joaquín Achúcarro

Commissioned by the International Festival of Úbeda

Movilidad de la escultura (2014)  10´ 

(Mobility of Scupture)

1.La Victoria de Samotracia sobrevuela la escalina del Louvre 3. Koré y Kuros junto a un Chac Mool 3.Bernini coronado con el laurel de Daphne

4.Viento de Chirino meciendo un Calder 5.Pietà Rondanini 6.Pájaros de Brancusi atraviesan huecos de Moore 6.Paolina Borghese abandona el diván

(1.The Samotrace Victory flies over the Louvre´s perron 2.Loré and Kuros near a Chac Mool 3. Bernini crowned with the Daphne´s laurel 4.Chirino´s wind balancing

a Calder´s work 5.Pietà Rondanini 6.Brancusi´s birds passing the Moore´s vains 7.Paolina Borghese leaves the divan)

Premier: Royal Academy of Fines Arts, Madrid. 23.V.2015  Mario Prisuelos,piano

Dedicated to Mario Prisuelos

Recording: IBS Classicals

Llueve Chopin (2015) 3´

(It is raining Chopin)

Premier: Valldemosa Charterhouse (Mallorca) 28.VIII.2016.Bartomeu Jaume, piano

Recording: Produccions Blau

Score: Piles

Clavileño:blog de vuelo (2015) 5´

(Clavileño: flight blog)

Premier: National Librery, Madrid 22.IV.2016  Marta Espinós, piano

Dedicated to Marta Espinós

Rrecoding: CD LO OTRO

Alicia in NO Wonderland (2018)

Alicia Urreta in memory

Premier: México 22.IX.2018 Gonzalo Gutiérrez,piano.

Como oscila la llama (2018)

Preludio místico

(As the flame changes, Mystic Prelude)

Dedicated to Luis González