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Works for solo instruments: Piano

Tres piezas minuto (2002) 5´

(Three minute pieces)

1. Hai Ku 2. Nana para el soñar de Beatriz 3. Por el camino que alguna parte conduce

(1. Hai Ku 2. Lullaby for Beatriz’s dreams 3. Along the way to somewhere)

Compilation of earlier short pieces.

Premiere: Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Madrid (Spain), 27.XI.2002. Manuel Escalante, piano.

Dedicated: 1. to Cecilia Colien Honegger. 2. to Beatriz Temes Molleda. 3. to Carlos Galán.

Recordings: CD: Verso

La soledad del unicornio (2004-2005) 7´

(The solitude of the Unicorn)

Premiere: Barcelona (Spain), 7.VI.2005. Diego Fernánez Magdaleno, piano.

Dedicated to Josep Soler on his 70th birthday.

Recordings: Catalunya Radio

Score: Periferia

GGA 65 gotas del océano de la amistad (2005) 4´

(CGA 65 drops in the Ocean of friendship)

Premiere: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 22.X.2005. Sergio Alonso, piano.

Dedicated to Guillermo García Alcalde on his 65th birthday.