31 | 03 | 2025

Incidental music: Theatre

El acuerdo (1963)

(The agreement)

Text: Berthold Brecht.

Premiere: University Theater (TEU) of Industrial Engineers, Madrid (Spain). Direction: David Ladra.

Narciso (1964)


Text: Max Aub.

Premiere: University Theater (TEU) of the School of Law, Madrid (Spain). Direction: Carlos Benítez and Carlos Rodríguez Sanz.

El condenado por desconfiado (1970)

(The damned mistrustful)

Text: Tirso de Molina. Antonio and Manuel Machado version.

Premiere: Teatro Español, Madrid (Spain), 6.III.1970. Direction: Miguel Narros.

Proceso de un Régimen (1971)

(Trial of a regime)

Text: Luis Emilio Calvo Sotelo (Lope de Vega Award 1970).

Premiere: Teatro Español, Madrid (Spain), 28.IV.1971. Direction: José María Loperena.