11 | 03 | 2025

Works for solo instruments: Guitar

Preludio para despedir la luz del crepúsculo (1995) 6´

(Prelude to farewell the sunset light)

Premiere: Villa de Madrid Cultural Center (Spain), 30.III.1996. José Luis Rodrigo, guitar.

Dedicated to José Luis Rodrigo.

Score: Berben

Presto mormorando (1996)

(Quickly whispering)

Premiere: 45 th International Festival of Santander, Udalla Romanesque Church, Santander (Spain), 7.VIII.1996. Gabriel Estarellas, guitar.

Commissioned by Cecilia Colien Honegger.

Dedicated to Cecilia Colien Honegger.

Recordings: RNE. CD: Ed. Honegger

Score: Ed. Honegger

Partita de Espejos (1999-2000) 15´

(Mirror Partita)

1. Preludio de reflejos 2. Espejo de Oriente 3. Murmullo de espejos I 4. Espejo lejano 5. Murmullo de espejos II

(1. Prelude of Reflections 2. Orient Mirror 3. Mirror whisper I 4. Distant Mirror 5. Mirror whisper II)

Premiere: Juan March Foundation, Madrid (Spain), 4.IV.2001. Gabriel Estarellas, guitar.

Dedicated to Gabriel Estarellas.

Recordings: RNE

Score: EMEC