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Choral works with or without instruments

Misa básica (1978) 15´

(Basic Mass)

1. Kirie 2. Sanctus 3. Benedictus

4 mixed-voice chorus.

Premiere: Liverpool Festival of Sacred Music. Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King of Liverpool (United Kingdom), 14.VII.1978. The Chorus of Brompton Oratory, London.

Commissioned by the Liverpool Festival of Sacred Music.

Recordings: RNE

Concierto Coral No. 1 (1980) 23´

(Choral Concert No. 1)

No text.

Solo violin and two choral groups.

Premiere: San Diego University of California (USA), 4.VI.1981. Janos Negyesy, violin, Chorus of the University. Conductor: Gabel.

Dedicated to Janos Negyesy.

Recordings: RNE–BR–CSR-HR-RDP

Score: EMEC

Aleluya (1981-1982) 7´


4 mixed voices.

Premiere: Youth Polyphony Encounter, Iglesia de los Paules, Cuenca (Spain), 18.IV.1982. Chorus of the Meeting. Conductor: Pablo López de Osaba.

Commissioned by the Meeting of Young Poliphony of Cuenca.

Dedicated to Pablo López de Osaba.

Recordings: RNE. LP: CFE