17 | 09 | 2024

Orchestra with or without voices 2000-nowadays

Ojo de Horus (2008) 10´

(Horus’ Eye)

3-2-3-2, 3-2-3-1, timpani, 2 percussionists, strings.

Premiere: Madrid (Spain), 4.XII.2008. Philharmonia Orchestra. Conductor: Pascual Osa.

Commissioned by Siemens, Spain.

Dedicated to Pascual Osa.

Recordings: Siemens, Spain.

Score: EMEC

Sinfonía No. 8, Gaia´s Dance (2008) 21'

(Symphony No. 8 - Gaia´s Dance)

1. Gondwana 2. Laurasia 3. Pangea

2-2-2-2, 2-2-2-0, timpani, 3 percussionists, strings.

Premiere: Pamplona (Spain), 17.VI.2009. Navarra Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Ernest Martínez Izquierdo.

Commissioned by AEOS- Autor Foundation.

Dedicated to Ernest Martínez Izquierdo.

Score: EMEC

Sinfonía No. 9, Thalassa (2009) 23´

(Symphony No. 9 - Thalassa)

1. Nun 2. Okeanos

3-3-3-3, 4-3-3-1, harp, timpani, 3 percussionists, strings.

Premiere: La Coruña (Spain), 23.IV.2010, Galicia Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Víctor Pablo Pérez.

Commissioned by the Galicia Symphony Orchestra.

Dedicated to Víctor Pablo Pérez.

Score: EMEC

Tránsito del Señor de Orgaz (2010) 10´

(Death of the Lord of Orgaz)

String Orchestra.

Premiere: Quintanar de la Orden (Spain), 11.VII.2010. Castilla-La Mancha Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: José Ramón Monreal.

Commissioned by the Castilla-La Mancha Festival.

Score: Periferia


Mezquita Catedral (2012) 18´

(Mosque Cathedral)

2-2-2-2,4-2-3-0,timpani,2 Percussionists, Strings

Premiere: Cordoba, 20.VI.2012. Cordoba Orchestra.Conductor: Manuel Hernández Silva.

Commissioned by AEOS-Autor Foundation

Dedicated to Manuel Hernández Silva

Recording: RNE

Score: EMEC


Sinfonía nº 10...infinita (2012)  25´

(Symphony n.10...infinite)

1.Reverso de la marea 2. Mar y campo 3.Rincón de poetas 4.Cumbre y valle 5.Colores de la caverna.

(1.Tide´s back 2.Sea and country 3.Poets´s corner 4.Peak and valley 5.Cave´s colors)

3(G flute)-2(E.h.)-2(B.cl.)-2,4-2-3-0, harp, timpani,2 Percussionist, Strings.

Premiere: Santander, 14.VIII.2012. Bilbao´s Symphony Orchestra.Conductor: Giancarlo de Lorenzo.

Commissioned by Santander´s International Festival.


Score: EMEC


Codex Calixtinus (2013)  17´ 

Cantus Iacobi

3-3-3-3,4-3-3-0,Timpani,4 perc. Piano.Strings

Premiere: Madrid 20.XII.2013.  Spain National Orchestra.Conductor: Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos

Commissioned by the Spain National Orchestra

Dedicated to Rafael Frühbeck de Burgo sin his 80th aniversary

Recording: RNE

Score: EMEC


Sones de Fiesta

( Feast sounds)

(Concierto para orquesta / Concert for orchestra)

Premiere: Madrid 22 January 2015. Spanish RTV Symphonic Orchestra. Conductor: Carlos Kalmar

Commissioned by the Spanish RTV Symphony Orchestra for its 50th aniversary

Recording: RNE,TVE

Score: EMEC

Human Tides (2018)

1.Lost homeland

2.The endless way

3.Massive loleliness

4.Waiting for

5.Always hopeful

Commissioned by Ateneu Cultural de Manises

Premier: Ateneo Cultural de Manises.28.IX.2018. Quiteria Muñoz,mezzosopran, Orchestra from Ateneu Musical de Manises .Conductor:José Vicente Fuentes