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Choral works with or without instruments

Transfiguración (1973) 12´


16 mixed-voice chorus.

Premiere: Church of San Jerónimo el Real, Madrid (Spain), 8.IV.1974. RTVE Chorus. Conductor: Alberto Blancafort.

Commissioned by Spanish National Radio.

Dedicated to my father’s memory.

Recordings: RNE-RDP-SDR-SR-SRF. CD: Cadenza. CD: RTVE

Ecos de Antonio Machado (Ópera Imaginaria No. 1) (1975) 28´

(Echoes of Antonio Machado - Imaginary Opera No. 1)

Text: Antonio Machado.

16 mixed-voice chorus (using small percussion) and organ.

Premiere: Juan March Foundation, Madrid (Spain), 17.XI.1975. Francisco Guerrero, organ, Choral Ensemble. Conductor: José María Franco Gil.

Commissioned by the Juan March Foundation.

Antonio Machado in memoriam.

Recordings: RNE. LP: RCA

Score: Alpuerto

Apocalypsis (1976) 34´

1. La visión 2. Los siete sellos 3. El Ángel exterminador 4. La Bestia 5. Las siete plagas de los siete ángeles 6. El reino milenario 7. El juicio

(1. The Vision 2. The Seven Seals 3. The exterminating Angel 4. The Beast 5. The Seven plagues of the Seven Angels 6. The Millennary Kingdom 7. The Judgment)

Text from the Apocalypsis of Saint John.

Speaker, 4 mixed-voice chorus and instruments (3 saxophones, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, 3 percussionists, piano, organ).

Premiere: XV Cuenca Sacred Music Week, Old Church of San Miguel, Cuenca (Spain). Tomás Marco, speaker, Chamber Group from the National Chorus and Madrid Philharmonic Orchestra. Conductor: Isidoro García Polo.

Commissioned by the Cuenca Sacred Music Week.

Dedicated to Antonio Iglesias.

Recordings: RNE

Score: Alpuerto

Misa básica (1978) 15´

(Basic Mass)

1. Kirie 2. Sanctus 3. Benedictus

4 mixed-voice chorus.

Premiere: Liverpool Festival of Sacred Music. Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King of Liverpool (United Kingdom), 14.VII.1978. The Chorus of Brompton Oratory, London.

Commissioned by the Liverpool Festival of Sacred Music.

Recordings: RNE

Concierto Coral No. 1 (1980) 23´

(Choral Concert No. 1)

No text.

Solo violin and two choral groups.

Premiere: San Diego University of California (USA), 4.VI.1981. Janos Negyesy, violin, Chorus of the University. Conductor: Gabel.

Dedicated to Janos Negyesy.

Recordings: RNE–BR–CSR-HR-RDP

Score: EMEC

Aleluya (1981-1982) 7´


4 mixed voices.

Premiere: Youth Polyphony Encounter, Iglesia de los Paules, Cuenca (Spain), 18.IV.1982. Chorus of the Meeting. Conductor: Pablo López de Osaba.

Commissioned by the Meeting of Young Poliphony of Cuenca.

Dedicated to Pablo López de Osaba.

Recordings: RNE. LP: CFE

La Pasión según San Marcos (1983) 42´

(The Passion According to St. Mark)

Text from St. Mark.

Speaker, three 4 mixed-voice choral groups, 3 percussionists, 2 trumpets, 2 trombones.

Premiere: XXII Cuenca Sacred Music Week, Old Church of San Pablo, Cuenca (Spain), 2.IV.1983. Rafael Taibo, speaker, Chorus and Ensemble Pro Cantata. Conductor: Pascual Ortega.

Dedicated to Carmen and Carlos Gómez Amat.

Recordings: RNE. LP: Dial

Score: EMEC

Lua descolorida (1985) 8´

(Discolored Moon)

Text: Rosalía de Castro.

4 mixed-voice chorus.

Premiere: Concert in homage to Rosalía de Castro. Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 20.XII.1985. University Chorus of Santiago. Conductor: Maximino Zumalave.

Commissioned by Santiago de Compostela University.

Dedicated to the Santiago University Chorus.

Score: University of Santiago

Cuaderno coral (1996) 25´

(Choral Notebook)

1. Logia de espejos 2. Anillo de hechizos 3. Laberinto de plantos 4. Clamores y murmullos 5. Cortejo del viento

(1.Mirror Loggia 2. Bewitched Ring 3. Labyrinth of Lamentations 4. Clamours and Whispers 5. Procession of the Wind)

No text.

8 voice mixed chorus.

Premiere: Madrid (Spain), 29.XI.1996. Agrupación Coral de Cámara of Pamplona. Conductor: Maximo Olóriz.

Commissioned by the Pamplona Choral Chamber Group on its 50th Aniversary.

Dedicated to the Pamplona Choral Chamber Group.

Recordings: RNE

(S)otto voci(e) (2000) 12´

No text.

8 mixed voices (solo or chorus).

Premiere: Stuttgart (Germany), 3.XI.2000. Neue Vocalsolisten. Conductor: Manfred Schreier.

Commissioned by Neue Vocalsolisten, Stuttgart.

Dedicated to Paloma, Marta and José Luis García del Busto.

Recordings: RNE

Cristales de cancionero (2002) 17´

(Songbook crystals)

Folk texts from the “Cancionero de Olmeda” (Olmeda Songbook).

Three Choral Groups.

Premiere: Burgos (Spain), 6.IX.2002. Spanish National Chorus. Conductor: Reiner Stuebing-Negenborn.

Commissioned by the Burgos Musical Summer.

Dedicated: to the Centenary of the Olmeda Songbook and in homage to Carmelo Bernaola.

Canto de Madrid (2002) 5´

(Madrid Song)

Text: Carlos Gómez Amat.

4 mixed-voice Chorus.

Premiere: Casa de América of Madrid (Spain), 27.XII.2002. Orfeón de Castilla. Conductor: Marcos Vega.

Dedicated to Marcos Vega and the Orfeón de Castilla.

Recordings: CD: Saga


Ancho mar de las plegarias (2014)

(Large sea of the prayers)

Commissioned by the Pamplona Chamber Choral

Dedicated to the Pamplona Chanber Choral

Premiere: Pamplona Baluarte (Spain) 22.V.2018  Coral de cámara de Pamplona.Conductor: David Gálvez

Mandala,oración y mantra (2015) 8´

(Mandala,prayer and mantra)

8 voices Choir and Instrumental Group (Flute,Clarinet,Saxophon,piano,violin and violoncel)

Premiere: Auditorium 400,Madrid. Choir Nur Conductor:José Antonio López Blanco. Cosmos XXI Conductor:Carlos Galán

La isla desolada (2016) 80´

(The desolated Iland)

1.La sombra de los recuerdos 2. Aquelarre 3. El tiempo y la memoria 4.La soledad violada 5.El mar de las nereidas

(1. The shadows of memory  2.Aquelarre 3.The time and the memory 4.The violated loleniness 5.The nered´s sea)

for speaker, mezzosoprano, tenor, mixed choir, 2 pianos and 2 percussions.

Text: Luciano González Sarmiento

Premiere:Santander International Festival ,Festival Palace of Santander (Spain) 18.VIII.2017. Manuel Galiana, Marina Rodríguez Cusí, Eduardo Santamaría, University of Cantabria Camerata, conductor: Raúl Suárez García, Gustavio Díaz Jerez and Javier Negrín, pianos, Antonio Domingo and Pedro Terán,percussions. Conductor: José Ramón Encinar.